Baby Room
In Baby Room we welcome babies between 6-24 months.
Our baby room classroom is bright and spacious, allowing babies plenty of space and the freedom to practice their gross motor skills: shuffling, crawling, and walking.
Babies are provided with a vast range of quality materials and resources to stimulate and inspire their young developing minds. They benefit from having a messy area where the many fun experiences happen we use sand, water, soil, shaving foam, coloured rice and pasta, or jelly baths to encourage exploration of the senses and develop and practice their fine motor skills as well as their hand-eye coordination.
Respecting their routine, the babies have a ‘sleep room’ where they can sleep in their own cot; we also have facilities to store expressed breast milk or formula.
Our team works alongside parents to provide a smooth settling-in from home to nursery. We understand that it may be the first time parents are leaving their baby in someone else’s care and that this may be a difficult time for parents. We work with close partnership with parents and value their input in knowing their child’s individual routine and to enable smooth settling in process and a perfect introduction to the nursery life. Each child has a Key Person that plans activities according to children’s particular needs and interests and is responsible for assessing your child on an ongoing basis to inform how they are supporting their learning.
Babies have regular access to our large and beautiful garden that they share with the middle room, allowing the children to engage and interact with the middle room practitioners and children, and when the time comes, ensures smooth transition to the next room.
In Baby Room the practitioners focus on the prime areas of learning that are fundamental building blocks for children to develop well: Communication and Language; Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development.
They draw on basic human nature to connect, to play, to move and to love. Babies get plenty of love and reassurance so that they feel loved, secure and ready to explore the world around them. By promoting secure and loving relationship with the practitioners in the room, babies learn to trust adults and become happy and confident to explore their environment. This in turn creates foundation for their future learning as an enabling environment and positive relationships with others are crucial to developing children's learning and experiences in the three prime areas.
To support babies’ communication and language skills we introduce babies to words through songs, rhymes, stories, and interaction, aiming to encourage them to listen, understand and speak up to 20 words before moving on to the middle room. We also provide plenty of music and movement activities that allow babies to participate in group activities, practice their social skills, enhance self-concept by sharing music and dance of each other’s culture and build babies’ awareness of movement and body position as well and develop their creativity and imagination.